
Wellbeing Value Workshop: QWB Lab in Austria

In May, QWB Lab co-founder Sabine ran a workshop at the annual meeting of Museumsbund Österreich, the Austrian museums association, at beautiful Attersee in Salzkammergut.

We had an animated discussion about the value of museums, looked at how wellbeing can be used to highlight hidden value, explored some case studies and examples, and discussed the importance of the different wellbeing dimensions for different organisations.

Sabine enjoyed the new contacts made and left inspired by the conversations along with a better understanding of Austrian museums. Thank you MBÖ for the invitation and inspiring interaction.

If you are interested in a workshop about value and wellbeing for your organisation, please get in touch.

Image: QWB Lab

Wellbeing Value Workshop: QWB Lab in Austria

In May, QWB Lab co-founder Sabine ran a workshop at the annual meeting of Museumsbund Österreich, the Austrian museums association, at beautiful Attersee in Salzkammergut.

We had an animated discussion about the value of museums, looked at how wellbeing can be used to highlight hidden value, explored some case studies and examples, and discussed the importance of the different wellbeing dimensions for different organisations.

Sabine enjoyed the new contacts made and left inspired by the conversations along with a better understanding of Austrian museums. Thank you MBÖ for the invitation and inspiring interaction.

If you are interested in a workshop about value and wellbeing for your organisation, please get in touch.

Image: QWB Lab